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Sunday, June 1, 2008

Etsy Knitters Hosts the 1st Virtual KIP Day

You read the title correctly.

The Etsy Knitters Team is proud to host the 1st ever virtual Knitting in Public Day.

WWKIPD = World Wide Knitting in Public Day

June 14th 2008

All knitters are welcome to participate. It is not required that you be a member of Etsy Knitters.

World Wide
Wherever you are, there is where the event will be.

To promote the craft of knitting


  • Knit in a public place on June 14th.
  • Take a camera and a friend, if available, with you.
  • Have your friend or a perfect stranger take a picture of you knitting in public.
  • Share your picture(s) by uploading them to Flickr.
  • Join the group specifically set up for this event: EtsyKnitters WWKIPD
  • Utilize the "Send to Group" button to upload your pictures to the group.

Enjoy the day knitting!